Khuddam and Atfal Ijlaas-e-Aaam was held on 10th of Nov 2018 in Bait ul Aafiyat Stockholm. The topic of this ijlas was “Attributes of True Ahmadi Khadim”.

Everyone gathered in the mosque around 13:00 for Namaz-e-Zohar and Asr. After the prayers, Ijlaas started with Tilawaat. Khuddam Ehd was revised by Quaid Stockholm.

Atfal then separated and Nazim Atfal took a separate Ijlas for Atfal and younger kids. There were around 18 Atfal and kids present.

In Khuddam Ijlas, Quaid sb stared with explaining the agenda of ijlaas and he stated that we will make our Ijlas more interactive rather then to have few speeches. Quaid sb presented the summary of khutbah Jumma by Hazoor (ABA) which was delivered on 2nd of November.

After that, a video clip was shown on the TV screen which was about the discussion on book “Khasti-e-Nuh”. This video clip was taken from the MTA program “In his own words”.  This video was shown in order to fulfill one of Shura’s point. In Shura discussion there was a suggestion regarding the Department of Taleem that Khuddam should be encouraged to watch this program.

After that, Quaid Sb introduced new Amila members, and their Naaibeen. Below is the list of Amila members for year 2018-2019.

Quaid Sb introduced a new WhatsApp group for MKA Stockholm. The older Viber group will be closed, and all the communication will be moved to WhatsApp.

Fika was served at the end of program.

Total attendance was 41, out of which 23 Khuddam and 18 Atfal and kids.

First Innovation Day Stockholm
37:e Nationella Ijtema 2019